Friday, January 4, 2019


Whoever said things change was very right indeed things do change sometimes sudden change.
This is can best be illustrated by the frequency the outgoing Malawi leader Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika’s  visits to the lake shore district of Mangochi.

In the last quarter of 2018 calendar year, he has been to Mangochi three times.

The last but one trip was just a sleep over en-route to Salima.

The Malawi leader and State house staff spent three nights in Mangochi.

In the past, trips to Mangochi were for a few privileged ones due to accommodation challenges.

For starters Mangochi has Chikokobay state residence which accommodates the president, the rest are booked in private lodges and hotels.
More often junior staff at Malawi Police service who play presidential guards used to sleep in tents
right at Chikokobay while waiting for their shift. That was life then before the birth of one business person who owns ZIMATHA EXECUTIVE LODGE.

Today, all state house employees are accommodated at the magnificent MK1.2 Billion lodge belonging to one Norman Paulosi Chisale who is Malawi’s Prime Minister who doubles as Director of Security for Mutharika.

Things changed for the better now, every Jim and Jack on state house list lodge at Zimatha.

The package is different from Mzuzu and Grand Palace Hotels, Chatonda and Ilala Lodges in Mzuzu lodges in which state house staff use when Mutharika is in the north.

At Zimatha the package is unique, it includes breakfast and supper.

Surprisingly, supper is paid for by State House at MK13, 500($18) per person, the bed and breakfast is pegged at MK100, 000.00 per night an equivalent of $134 per night totaling MK113,500,00 ($152) per person per night.

The Money is paid upfront!

The same room State House pay a maximum of MK45, 000 ($60) at Chatonda or ILALA. Out of all the palces that it is only at Zimatha where state house pays for supper.

So your guess is as good as mine why over a sudden the number of State House Staff accompanying Mutharika to Mangochi has increased times 10! At the same times the president’s love for the people of Mangochi district has tripled! Soon after completion of ZIMATHA EXECUTIVE LODGE !

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